What Does a Postpartum Doula ACTUALLY do?
/“My role is to be whatever the family needs me to be so they can have a peaceful postpartum!"
-Transitions PP Doula
This is a question we get ALL THE TIME. (Read on to see an example of a doula shift for one of our doulas last week!!!)
Postpartum Doulas aren’t a new thing, but in the Midwest where we are based, the only well-known doula is the birth doula. Everyone asks what a postpartum doula does, and we say something like, "they help the new family after the baby arrives."
Sometimes we add in "they help with breastfeeding questions, and they are experts in newborn care. They can help around the house, help you get sleep/showered, prepare meals... etc".
But when it actually comes to hiring a postpartum doula, people blank about how beneficial this service really is.
So today, one of our postpartum doulas will walk you through what a typical shift might look like. And remember, this service is completely customizable to your needs! Here is an example of a shift with a postpartum doula...
"Today, I went to CLIENT NAME home mid-morning. When I arrived, she and the baby were resting, but she had texted me a list of things she needed help with while she slept. I always start at the sink, because I'm there washing my hands anyways.
I emptied the dishwasher, and reloaded it. I washed pans from dinner last night. I vacuumed and folded several baskets of laundry. Last week I had found a box of cookie mix in their pantry while helping put groceries away, and I had asked to make them this week to surprise big brother when he got home from daycare, so I did some baking (see picture! how cute are those?!).
When mom woke up, I held her baby while she ate lunch and we talked about the challenges of night time parenting. I did some tummy massage because the baby was gassy, and then baby was ready for another nap, so I swaddled her up and got her down for a rest.
I watered flowers, then I prepped dinner for the night while visiting with mom about the relationship between what we eat and how the baby responds.
Am I a housekeeper? No.
Am I a personal chef? No.
Am I a nanny? No.
I'm a postpartum doula, and my role is to be whatever the family needs me to be so they can have a peaceful postpartum!"
If you are expecting or recently had a baby, we highly encourage you to explore how this service can support you and your family during a very vulnerable, messy, beautiful, and transformative time of life!